I have five different bookmarks. If you are in the US and would like some (one of each that I have), please send a self-addressed, stamped business envelope with 2 US stamps to:
Vonda Sinclair
P.O. Box 1264
Mars Hill, NC 28754
Please include a note about which swag items you're requesting.

If you would like signed bookplates to stick into your copies of my print books, please send a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope with one US stamp) to the address on the left side of this page. These are adhesive stickers. If you would like them autographed to someone, please let me know in a note. Thanks! :)

Door Hangers
If you are in the US and would like one of these cute, fun door hangers, please send a self-addressed stamped BUSINESS sized envelope (1 US stamp) to me at Vonda Sinclair, P.O. Box 1264, Mars Hill, NC 28754. If you want to place 2 US stamps on the envelope, I'll include 4 bookmarks along with the door hanger. Please include a note about which swag items you're requesting.